want to thank each and every one of you who subscribed to my blog
during my New Follower Giveaway. I enjoyed reading all of your
responses to my questions and the posts you made on my blog. I hope
that you continue to enjoy the content of my posts as I post reviews
for the books that I read. Feel free to make suggestions on books
that you read that you think rock and don't forget that if you are a
blogger yourself, leave me your link and I will follow you too!
now to announce the Winner!!! Drumroll please!!!!!
New Follower winner is Szelina Bozsos. Szelina follows in Hungary and
has requested Don't Look Back by Jennifer L. Armentrout!! I have not
read this book myself, but I have been told it is a great story and
Jennifer is a fantastic writer. So, thank you Szelina, for entering
and for your support.
you again to all of you for your continued support. I love to share
my opinions on the books that I read and hope that you continue to
enjoy my posts!

Thank you so much again! :)