Needless to say, I did not in fact die. I am here feeling a ton of a lot better, with much to share with you today! So, please for the next little while, pretend with me that it is indeed Monday and lets give Vanessa Barger the spotlight she deserves as a Middle Grade Author. Grab your cuppa and lets go!!
Middle Grade Mondays Blitz: Author Spotlight - Vanessa Barger with Giveaway #MGMondays

Welcome to the first Official Middle Grade Mondays Book Blitz #MGMondays
presented by Tantrum Books/Month9books!
Today, we get up close and personal in a "Would You Rather" Q & A with
Vanessa Barger
author of the upcoming book, Super Freak, from Tantrum Books.
Be sure to enter the giveaway found at the end of the post!

Vanessa Barger was born in West Virginia, and through several moves ended up spending the majority of her life in Virginia Beach, Virginia. She is a graduate of George Mason University and Old Dominion University, and has degrees in Graphic Design, a minor in Medieval and Renaissance Literature, and a Masters in Technology Education. She has had articles published in Altered Arts Magazine, has had some artwork displayed in galleries in Ohio and online, and currently teaches engineering, practical physics, drafting and other technological things to high school students in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. She is a member of the SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators), the Virginia Writer’s Club, and the Hampton Roads Writers. When not writing or teaching, she’s a bookaholic, movie fanatic, and loves to travel. She is married to a fabulous man, and has one cat, who believes Vanessa lives only to open cat food cans, and can often be found baking when she should be editing.
Would You Rather...
Would you rather never be able to speak again or always have to say everything that is on your mind?
Oh, probably never be able to speak again. I could learn sign language, but people REALLY don’t want me to say whatever I’m thinking all the time. That would get me in so, so much trouble.Would you rather be able to read or be able to read minds (but be illiterate)? Definitely would rather be able to read. Reading minds is cool and everything, but never be able to read a book? No way!
Would you rather be able to speak fluently every language in the world or be the best in the world at something of your choosing? This one is tough. I think I’d rather be able to speak fluently in every language. I mean, think of what kind of traveling you could do! You’d never need to worry about what you’re eating, or how to ask for directions, or anything like that. It would be pretty fantastic!
Would you rather read only one book over and over for the rest of your life or read as many as you want but never remember what they’re about? Hmmmmm… I think I’m going with as many as I want. I suppose if I never remember what they’re about it might be sad, but I wouldn’t know that, because it would be a new book every time! One book would get really boring, I think.
Would you rather only the first page of a book or the last page? The first page. There are so many more possibilities you can come up with if you’re given the question. When you’re given the answer, you’re limited, because you already know where you’re going.
Would you rather read 5 pages per day or 5 books per week? 5 books per week. No question. Then maybe I’d FINALLY get through my “to-read” list!
Would you rather read only one genre forever or never read the same genre more than once? Ooooo…. Another hard one. I think I’d rather read one genre forever. There are lots of books in each genre, but if I could only read one from each genre ever, I’d quickly run out of genres and books.
Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? Read minds. Hands down. Know what you’re thinking? That has such possibilities…..
Would you rather never use the internet again or never watch TV again? Never watch TV. But this is a cop out, lol. You can watch many things on the internet, and I don’t watch much TV as it is!
Would you rather have one wish granted today or three granted in 10 years? Three in 10 years. My wish today might not be a good one. But the other way, I’d have some space in between to think about things and try to make a good one.
Would you rather know it all or have it all? Knowing things is fabulous. But being rich has its perks…… I can learn things, so what the heck, let’s go with have it all. After all, people don’t like a know it all. ;)

Thirteen-year-old Caroline is a freak. Her parents have uprooted her to a town full of Supernaturals. You’d think she’d be thrilled. But, with someone without a magical bone in her body, this daughter of tree sprites feels like even more of an outcast than she has ever before.To make matters worse, her new home is cursed. But when Caroline takes to investigating the mysterious and strange happenings of Harridan House, her BFF goes missing. Seems someone doesn’t want Caroline sticking her non-magical nose where it most certainly does not belong. Determined to prove herself, Caroline uncovers a plot to destroy her new hometown.Undeterred, Caroline can’t give up. But what’s a human without magical powers to do? Caroline better figure it out fast, before she loses everything she has ever loved and the whispers she’s heard all her life prove true: Caroline is a useless superfreak.
Super Freak by Vanessa Barger
Publication Date: October 13, 2015
Publisher: Tantrum Books
Genre: MG, Fantasy

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